Towns of the New Testament
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Here I list the towns and cities of the region of Palestine mentioned in the New Testament.
Province of Syria
Governorship of Syria
- Tyre. Jesus cures the daughter of the Syro-Phoenician woman (Matthew 15)
- Gaza. The apostle Philip on the road to Ethiopia (Acts 8)
- Ptolemais. Visited by Paul (Acts 21)
The Decapolis
- Gadara, Gerasa, Gergesa. The accounts are confused as to the town. The demons are cured and the swine drowned (Matthew 8)
Prefecture of Judea
- Azotus. Visited by the apostle Philip (Acts 8)
- Bethlehem. Traditional birthplace of Jesus (Matthew 2)
- Bethany. Hometown of Mary, Martha, and Lazarus (John 12)
- Bethphage Origin of the donkey Jesus rides into Jerusalem (Matthew 21)
- Emmaus. Vision of the resurrected Jesus by two Cleopas and an un-named apostle (Luke 24)
- Joppa. Peter's vision after the death of Jesus (Acts 11)
- Jericho. Jesus restores sight to Bartimaeus (Mark 10)
- Jerusalem.
- Antipatris. The place to which the guard conveyed Paul by night (Acts 23)
- Caesarea Maritima. Capital of the prefecture of Judea. Paul defends himself before Agrippa (Acts 25)
- Sychar. Jesus talks with the Samaritan woman (John 4)
Tetrarchy of Herod Antipas
- Bethsaida. Hometown of the apostles Peter, Andrew, and Philip (John 1)
- Cana. Jesus performs his first miracle (John 2)
- Capernaum. Jesus' base of operations (Matthew 4)
- Chorazin. Visited by Jesus (Matthew 11)
- Magdala. Visited by Jesus (Matthew 15)
- Nazareth. Hometown of Jesus (Luke 4)
- Nain. Jesus resurrects the widow's son (Luke 7)
- Ptolemais. Visited by Paul (Acts 21)
- Tiberias. One of the capitals of Herod Antipas. Visited by Jesus (John 6)
- Betharamptha. Area of John the Baptist's mission (John 1)
- Machaeus. One of the capitals of Herod Antipas. John the Baptist imprisoned and beheaded
- Aenon. John's mission after his encounter with Jesus (John 3)
Tetrarchy of Philip
- Caesarea Philippi. Capital of the Tetrarchy of Philip. Jesus preaches (Matthew 16)
- Bethsaida. Feeding of the Five Thousand (Luke 9)
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